Wednesday, September 9, 2009


If I would be given the chance to write about anything at the moment, I would write about a lot of things. I would write about how bewildered I am right this very minute for some jurrasic reasons. I would write about how pissed I am with the way things are going with my practicum career. I would write about how devastated I am with how my life is turning out so far. In short, I would simply write about how fucked-up I am now. And sadly, I couldn't even do anything about everything because the rain's awful, and I'm tired.

I'm tired of waking up every single day knowing that I would be doing exactly the same things I did the other the day, in precisely the same manner. I'm tired of listening to the same set of useless people because I know that I would only feel sorry for myself. I'm tired of looking at the mirror only to see my reflection-- a reflection with a seemingly daunting and vexed aura. And that's just how I feel. I'm tired of pressing on the keys of my laptop because I fear that what I type might not exactly depict what I really want to say. I'm tired of speaking because I know that what I would say might not precisely express how I really feel. And so all I'm left to do is to simply feel-- because that's the only thing I know that remains real. My feelings. And I don't feel well. I just don't.

9/09/2009 03:16:00 PM